1. What is the full form of ASEAN?
a) Association of South East Asian Nations
b) Administration of Southern East Asian Nations
c) Organisation of South East Asian Nations
d) Administration of South East Asian Nations
Answer: a

2. Where is the headquarters of ASEAN?
a) Bali
b) Jakarta
c) Manila
d) Singapore
Answer: b

3. What is the objective of the ASEAN?
a) To increase competition among the members countries for better products.
b) To integrate the economies of the region to make region  attractive for investors
c) To promote economic cooperation in South East Asia and ensure economic stability in the region.
d) b and c both
Answer: d

4. The establishment of ASEAN on August 8, 1967 based on ...
a) The Brunei Darussalam Protocol in 1967
b) 1967 Manila Agreement
c) Jakarta Joint Declaration 1967
d) Bangkok Agreement 1967
Answer: d

5. Pay attention to the following countries in Southeast Asia!
1. Laos
2. Vietnamese
3. Thailand
4. Malaysia
5. Singapore
The countries in Southeast Asia located in the Asian peninsula are indicated by numbers?
a) 1,2 and 3
b) 1,2 and 4
c) 2,3 and 5
d) 3,4 and 5

6. How many times has Indonesia hosted the Asian Games?
Answer: 2 times, the first in 1962

7. How many athletes participated in the 2018 Asian Games in Indonesia?
Answer: About 15,000 athletes from 45 countries participated

8. What achievements have been made in the 2018 Asian Games title in Indonesia?
Answer: Indonesia hosted the first Asian Games held in 2 cities, Jakarta and Palembang

9. What is the 2018 Asian Games' most interesting action in Indonesia by the President of Indonesia?Answer: The President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo rode a motorbike to get to the opening ceremony with his attraction

10. Indonesia sent how many athletes at the 2018 Asian Games in Indonesia?

Answer: 938 athletes, most of them in the helatan


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